Friday, February 22, 2019

Lesson 8: Basic Web Page Creation

People use HTML ,codes to create pages and CSS codes to design them. If you have taken up these coding skills before, it will help you in creating pages using WYSIWYG. If you have not, WYSIWYG is designed for anyone who has not or does not have prior processing skills. WYSIWYG stands for what you see is what you get. This means that whatever you type, insert, draw , and everything you do on a pagr is what the audience see. WYSIWYG shows and prints whatever you type on the screen.

Lesson 9: Interactive Multimedia

In lesson 9 I've learned that in interaction multimedia the user can manipulate the device. It can use in games, education, simulation, tranings and etc.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lesson 1: Introduction and Communication Technologies.

  Image result for empowerment technology
 What i've learned lesson one is the ICT or Information and Communication Technologies are not just about social media like facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube and etc.. ICT is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing. ICT also refers to technologies that provides access to information through telecommunication. This includes the internet, wireless network, cellphones, and other communications technologies. I've also learned the importance of ICT in our daily lives, because it can make our lives easier than ever, like in communicating with others and even in transactions. ICT or technologies are very useful in our lives. 

Lesson 2: Rules of Netiquette

Image result for rules of netiquette
In lesson two (2) I learned the rules of netiquette and some of this is the safety in sharing some information in the internet. We've learned some techniques to stay safe in the internet. And some of this is being mindful of what i'm sharing in online because internet is a powerful tool in connecting with each other. The "Think before you click" is a reminder of what you will post or what you will share. Kinds of viruses is other one that i've learned in lesson two. Viruses that may affect the performance of your gadgets. Its true that even internet is the most powerful tool in this generation but it is also not safe to just browse you must know the rules of netiquette to keep you safe!

Lesson 3: Advanced Word Processing Skills

Image result for Advanced Word Processing Skills

In lesson three (3) I've learned how to use some advanced capabilities of Microsoft word the is commonly used to increase productivity and efficiency of a work. I've also learned how to create a document, letters, how to put a label and the other shortcuts to make my work easier. In lesson three we learned how to use mail merge. Mail merge is used when you are addressing a letter ta many people. It can automatically change multiple labels, letters, name tags and etc.. There are two components of mail merge the Form Document and the Data file. Form document is contained of a message that we want to send while the Data File is composed of individual information where we can used mail merge to make it easier.

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

Image result for Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

In lesson four (4) I've learned how to familiarize the function of Microsoft excel and how to use several conditional functions available in Microsoft excel. Microsoft excel is a widely used spreadsheet program. A spreadsheet program is a software for entering, editing, manipulating and printing information in a tabulated form. It is mainly used in handling numbers. I've learned how to used shortcuts on making a formula and techniques to make it easier and some.

Lesson 6: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

In lesson 6 I've learned to understand the basic priciples of graphics and layouts. In basic priciples of graphics and layouts there are six priciples that we should always remember thee balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, and rhythm, variety, and proportion. I've also learned the infographics or information graphics. Infographics is used to represent information, statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical manner.

Lesson 7: Online Platforms as tool for ICT Content and Development

In lesson 7 I've learned the nature and purposes of online platforms and application. Platforms is used to creat  and share materials and information which can be accessed online. It can also used to access a variety of materials that can be customized to meet  the needs of the users. Some of the examples of online platforms are social media, blogging, presentations, cloud computing, web page creation,  mapping, and file management. In lesson 7 we also considered the basic web design principles and elements, we should considered the audience and goals , we also considered the site layouting, accesibility, the front door, the web meduim, and the end game. In lesson 7 I've learned how to identify nature and the purposes of online platforms of application and how  to apply web design principles and elements using, tools, platforms, and applications.

Lesson 5: Advanced Presentation Skills

In lesson five I've learned how to use hyperlinks to improve my powerpoint and i maximized the use of powerpoint as an effective visual aid tool. I've also learned the presentation software where application sofware allows the users to creat visual aids for presentation to communicate ideas, messages and etc. Microsoft powerpoint is one of our lesson in lesson five, this program uses slides to convey information rich in multimedia. There are some key terms in MS powerpoint like slide, design template, slide show, animation and etc.  While the Normal view, notes page view, outline view and slide sorter view are the types of views in MS powerpoint. There are six ways on jow to creat a effective presentation and the six ways are to minimize,the clarity, the visuals, the simplicity, the consistency and the contrast. Those are in the part of lesson five.