Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lesson 7: Online Platforms as tool for ICT Content and Development

In lesson 7 I've learned the nature and purposes of online platforms and application. Platforms is used to creat  and share materials and information which can be accessed online. It can also used to access a variety of materials that can be customized to meet  the needs of the users. Some of the examples of online platforms are social media, blogging, presentations, cloud computing, web page creation,  mapping, and file management. In lesson 7 we also considered the basic web design principles and elements, we should considered the audience and goals , we also considered the site layouting, accesibility, the front door, the web meduim, and the end game. In lesson 7 I've learned how to identify nature and the purposes of online platforms of application and how  to apply web design principles and elements using, tools, platforms, and applications.

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